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Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT

September 27, 2023

Acorn Wellness is committed to providing patients with safe solutions for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Hormone replacement therapy goes beyond the desire to ease menopausal symptoms. Hormones are integral to optimal body function and vitality for men and women - throughout our entire lives.

As chemical messengers, hormones travel throughout our bodies via our blood system and regulate virtually every body function, from emotions to bone density. Hormones profoundly impact health, quality of life, and longevity. When hormones are balanced and their levels optimized, the life enhancing benefits are remarkable.

Benefits of HRT

Following is an abbreviated list of benefits of testosterone and estrogen, two of the over 50 hormones produced by our bodies:


Testosterone historically has been perceived as a male hormone and not regularly discussed as the likely culprit of diminished vitality for aging women. Conversely, estrogen is perceived as a female hormone and not regularly discussed as a possible culprit the diminished vitality for men. As a result, many women and men accept a lengthy list of symptoms as “just part of getting old.” These symptoms should be considered cues to have hormone levels checked. Attention and recalibration of hormone levels may be all that is needed to alleviate and reverse symptoms.

When testosterone and estrogen levels are low or imbalanced, there is a ripple effect of negative consequences throughout our bodies; when testosterone and estrogen levels are balanced at ideal levels, the opposite happens.

An example of this ripple effect:

Muscles, Bones and Fat

Testosterone levels affect muscle strength and estrogen affects bone density. The impact of muscle and bone density on overall health and function is extensive, including vaginal and metabolic health.

Vaginal health depends on several factors, including the strength of vaginal muscles and pelvic bones. Vaginal muscles help support a strong pelvic floor (the hammock like structure that keeps the bladder, uterus and bowels securely suspended). The strength of the pelvic floor impacts the potential for and degree of incontinence. Strong vaginal muscles and pelvic bones also contribute to sexual wellness and satisfaction.

Muscle mass and bone density affect fat storage. When testosterone is low and estrogen is high, muscle mass shrinks, bones weaken (osteoporosis), and visceral fat increases. Visceral fat, or deep belly fat, is dangerous to your health. Unlike subcutaneous fat found just under the skin layer, visceral fat accumulates around organs, such as the liver, intestines, stomach, etc.

A high storage of visceral fat is linked to many serious metabolic issues, including heart disease, poor blood sugar control (diabetes), high blood pressure, poor circulation, and high cholesterol.

Boosting testosterone increases muscle mass and bone strength, decreases fat storage, and lowers the risks of metabolic issues. In effect, increased testosterone and lowered estrogen improves heart health, blood sugar control, weight control, cholesterol (fatty deposits in blood), vascular health and circulation.

HRT with Pellet Implants

At Acorn Wellness, we choose hormones that mimic the molecular structure of natural, human hormones; these hormones are called bioidentical hormones and are derived from plants. BioTE is our choice for BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy).

While there are a variety of delivery methods for bioidentical hormones, we find subcutaneous pellet implants to be the most reliable and beneficial. There are many advantages of pellet implants, including the continuous availability of pure hormones released as and when needed. Another stand-out is the elimination of regularly scheduled applications, ingestion, insertions, or injections. For women, pellet implants relieve symptoms for 3-4 months; for men, 5-6 months. After this time, pellets have been completely absorbed or used up, leaving no residue. Pellet implants also are protective of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, bypassing both as hormones are released directly into the bloodstream. Pellet implants do not affect clotting factors, nor do they increase the risk of thrombosis.

What to Expect during the Procedure:

The process of BioTE pellet insertion is quick, simple and low-risk.

  • A small area generally at the upper buttocks is sterilized with alcohol.
  • A mild, numbing agent is injected into the area.
  • A small incision is made. The incision is so small, it will close on its own within 1-3 days.
  • Custom pellets* the size of grains of rice are inserted through a sterile trocar.

*Pellet dosages are unique for each patient. Dosages are based on required blood labs that include a Complete Metabolic Panel, Complete Lipid Panel, Sex Hormone Levels (Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone), Thyroid Panel, Vitamins D and B12, weight, general health condition, any medical issues, the presence or absence of a uterus, history of breast cancer, symptoms, etc.

  • The insertion site is covered with Steri-Strips, a cotton pad, and a waterproof Tegaderm bandage.*

*We encourage keeping the Tegaderm bandage and cotton pad on for 48-72 hours. The compression helps the incision heal faster and completely.

  • As the numbing agent dissipates, there may be slight discomfort when sitting or if you are a back sleeper.
  • There may be slight swelling at the insertion site.
  • It is imperative that patients do not rigorously work out lower body for 3-5 days. No running, biking, lunges, weight training for legs.
  • Swimming, bathing, and hot tubs are strongly discouraged for 3-5 days. Showers are permitted.
  • Rubbing the insertion area is discouraged as the repeated movement may force pellets to exit at the incision site.*

*If a pellet should exit the site, call immediately for replacement.

  • It is recommended the Steri-Strips remain until they naturally lose their adhesive qualities.
  • Pathology/Blood labs are again required at 6 weeks post-pellet. The window of six weeks is the peak of pellet efficacy. At this point, we can monitor if or when dosage changes need to be made to enhance well-being and life quality.


How do I know if my hormones are out of balance?

Common symptoms of testosterone and estrogen imbalances:

These symptoms may be cues you need to have your hormones checked.

 What are the advantages of BHRT?

The hormones employed in BHRT mimic the molecular structure of natural human hormones. Biote bioidentical hormone pellets are made from soy or the yam plant to create estradiol and/or testosterone molecules, unlike synthetic hormones, which are made from animal parts or urine and have a different molecular structure than what the body produces.

What labs and medical records are required before BioTE pellet hormone therapy?

  • Blood Tests to include: Complete Metabolic Panel, Complete Lipid Panel, Sex Hormone Levels (Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone), Thyroid Panel, Vitamins D and B12
  • Current mammogram
  • Current Well Woman’s Exam or Pap Smear
  • Consultation to discuss labs and any patient concerns

How is my dosage for hormones determined?

Pellet dosages are unique for each patient. Dosages are based on required blood labs that include a Complete Metabolic Panel, Complete Lipid Panel, Sex Hormone Levels (Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone), Thyroid Panel, Vitamins D and B12, weight, general health condition, any medical issues, the presence or absence of a uterus, history of breast cancer, symptoms, etc.

How long do BioTE pellets last?

Pellets last up to three to six months depending on gender, weight, absorption rates, and the amount of deficiency or surplus of hormones present within the patient at the time of insertion. Pellets are reinserted between two to four times per year to help keep hormones optimized and balanced and may take up to two insertions before feeling the full benefits.

What happens if I stop BioTE pellet hormone therapy?

Every person’s body is different, but at the end of a pellet cycle or when stopping pellet therapy altogether, symptoms of fatigue, low mood and sleeplessness may recur. Typically, the patient’s symptoms will return to the same state prior to BHRT as their estrogen and testosterone levels begin to drop.

When will I feel the effects of BioTE BHRT?

Many patients feel results within days or weeks. For others, it may take a couple of months or pellet insertions later.

It is life changing for so many patients. Renewed vigor, endurance, mental clarity, increased libido and renewed interest are the most common initial effects of BioTE pellet therapy.

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